I have often used the slogan ” bad boys good habits” when referring to the nationalist attitude and wanted to explain its meaning. Well, start with the first part, “bad boys,” and what this entails in our current culture and its role in history. When one thinks of the words “bad boy,” what comes to mind? Often the rule breaker a bit of an outlaw, most likely tough and masculine as is often portrayed. Take, for example, one of the ultimate bad boys from our pop culture Tyler Durdan from fight club, whose character in the movie still has a following 20 years after. Why this attraction? This can be answered in two parts. First, in our modern domesticated world where man is trapped in a cage made up of rules, laws, and bureaucracy, we all wish to break free from the chains of society and be the bad boy that blazes his own trail, not caring what anyone else thinks. That is why there is such an appeal to this character type. It also should be pointed that this is not a new phenomenon. Just look to the wild west days and the huge fascination and admiration for the rebels, outlaws, and bad boy types. Always the defiant anti-hero has attracted people, especially amongst rebellious youth.
This leads to the second part of the “bad boy” and is a phenomenon as old as time itself. That is the younger generation rebelling against the previous. Today this is mainly seen as something negative since all recent generations have been ushered further towards cultural Marxism and disregarded for traditionalism. But one would be mistaken to think this is the only way it’s ever been. It was not that far ago in 1920 Rome when “bad boys” dressed in blackshirts were marching in the streets handing out fascist pamphlets and getting into barroom brawls with opposition. The older generation scorned them as troublemakers and daydreamers. In turn, this rebellious young generation spurned the previous one as weak thinking and stuck in its aristocratic ways. These young radicals full of optimism and passion wanted a new way that drew in other risk-takers, idealists, artists, and outlaws that also shared this rebellious sentiment against what was in place. The same can be said about the SA in 1930 Germany or even further back to the original bad boy Julius Caesar , who his older peers hated for his lack of respect for the senate hierarchy and troublemaking. So although the last few generations have all been coerced to head further left, now it’s our time to rebel against the older status quo. This new rising sentiment goes against both conservative and liberal, making us defacto the outlaws, radicals, dreamers, rebels, and of course, bad boys in the eyes of the current rulers. We must embrace this in every way and be sure not to soften our radical ideas to placate those we are against. As mentioned earlier, our “bad boys” statues will attract the people’s imagination of those that seek to break free and blaze a new way forward. To help in this process, we must make ourselves distinct from our predecessors in style, attitude, and thought as we are not looking to fix or bring anything back to life but instead to create something radically new.
Radical change only happens with determination and, maybe, more importantly, creativity. How can you change the future if you are always stuck in the past? This is something nationalists have always wrestled with, trying to turn back the wheels of history instead of directing them. When the NSDAP came to power, did they march with flags of Imperial Germany? Did they advocate bringing back the Kaiser and aristocracy (which many longed for in the days of the Weimar Republic)? No, they took some inspiration along with looking at the success and failures of that period. Under creative leadership and understanding, the NSDAP created something distinctly different in dress, tactics, and vision. Like a book, one does not stay reading the same chapter repeatedly but moves on to the next, so it is on us to write this new chapter to capture the people’s imaginations
The second part of the slogan, ” good habits,” makes the slogan complete because just being “bad boys” is not enough for people to revere. For example, take the antagonist Bill the Butcher from gangs of new york. Although he chops people up with a meat cleaver from time to time, he posses “good habits” that make him likable and relatable. Consider his loyalty to race and country or the bravery he shows when faced with opposition. All noble habits earn respect from the outsider. I call these “habits ” instead of traits because they are not natural gifts but need to be practiced and internalized. For example, courage comes from constantly testing yourself in a position that you will have to display it that is what makes it a rare quality and why people revere these types of characters. Another thing to point at why Bill The Butcher is admirable is his actions is not because he engages in senseless violence aimed blindly at the world around him. Instead, Bill the butcher has goals and ambitions, style and grandeur. Now take another movie antagonist, “Leather face,” from the Texas chain saw massacre; unlike the Charismatic Bill, Leather face has no “good habits” or redeemable qualities instead represents the nihilistic elements of society and the selfishness. He serves no greater aim but just fills his sadistic pleasure while raging blindly at the world around him for his suffered perceived injustices. This is not someone people would support or want to associate with. Only the most nihilistic and depraved could relate in any way to this archetype. Although Leather face is widely known, it’s only for shock value, while Bill the butcher is the anti-hero and admired because he emulates the “bad boy” with ” good habits.” This is where nationalist find themselves everywhere today as the antagonist, the villain, and the bad boy. But that does not mean this cannot be used to our benefit, nor is it an excuse to lose our good habits to become the nihilistic Leather face arch type that only harms our aims.